IRCCS Children Hospital Bambino Gesù

The Bambino Gesu` Children’s Hospital (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu`, OPBG) is a 607-bed tertiary care academic hospital in the Lazio Region, Italy. It is a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care, Italy’s main pediatric Hospital providing advanced health care for children and performing basic, clinical and translational research activities.

The Hospital is part of the Italian National Healthcare System and is widely recognized as referral center for all pediatrics specialties at national and international levels.

OPBG has a staff of almost 2,600 including physicians, researchers, nurses, clinical technicians and office staff, who treat and care for a large number of patients: over 1.550.000 healthcare services are provided each year to children and adolescents from all over the world.

Main tasks in the project

Support the development and validation of a quantitative point-of-care test for the measurement of severity biomarkers to improve risk stratification of fever syndromes and enhance child survival trough providing samples and testing plasma trough OLINK technology.